Just as I said

by Girl

I think Shawn is getting better – he remembered that I wanted to go to Caffé Sola and offered to take me there for a treat! 🙂

He ordered a sipping chocolate and a brownie.


Isn’t it so pretty? It was soft and rich in all its dark chocolate glory. I ordered a big pot of Angel Mist, which is basically Angelwater tea misto.


It was very tasty. Today was also the day my earrings could come out. It’s been 8 weeks since I got them re-pierced! But I don’t have any earrings to replace the studs. Shawn caught me telling him about all this.


Two of little things that bring me joy are unique and pretty bathrooms, and a sink full of soapy foam. I snapped a quick photo of the sink vanity. I love the big mirror!!